Developing Scalable Applications for Big Markets

September 10, 2019 mikehajj

Whether you’re starting from scratch or need to migrate an existing system you own to target bigger markets, I can help. I am a cloud architect with excellent knowledge on how to develop scalable products that serves high traffic markets. My services enable us to work side by side and help you grow your brand online and deliver high quality products and services to your market.

Design, Research & Implement

In order to determine how a product should be constructed, first we design the blueprints of the application and research the technologies to use. That help us understand what must be done and how we should do it. Then, we build the application and ensure proper code implementation with high quality deliverables.

Blueprints Design

Blueprints paint the big picture and reveal how the application should be designed, what architecture patterns should be included and why, how the application will be constructed and how it will handle users requests and finally how easy it is to extend and augment the application at later stages.


Most complex applications impose using several technologies and frameworks together. Here, we research and identify the best technologies that coherently work together and enable us to build fast. We also look at which frameworks give us the highest boost that we can capitalize on.

Implementation & Quality

Coding is fun when you follow good implementation standards. Quality measures the integrity of the code and ensures the deliverables meet the business KPIs. A good strategy enables you to accomplish both with precision and speed.

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